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Digital health care

Digital HEALTH CARE technologies include a range of smart tools and devices that support people to feel more safe, and secure longer living in their own home. In practice MODUS explores and introduces assistive technologies towards end-users and front-line care personnel. It is also our goal to influence the health technology industry to become user-friendly, easy-to-use and foremost affordable for low-income citizens.

Digital health care works with a strong connection to professional staff, relatives or other local network. MODUS has gathered solutions that can support people in need of care, especially those suffering from chronic diseases. In order to spread this knowledge we organise and provide „digital open days” involving Hungarian municipalities in the implementation.

MODUS promotes training in digital skills for elderly people. Here they can find the needed digital skills to be able to use the right technology to make their life more safe.



We have organized digital open days in 11 settlements of Kemecse district, Hungary in 2018 and 2019. The aim of the open days organised for the local population was to draw attention to the benefits of the digital world and to motivate those interested to acquire digital skills. We also provided short lectures on healthy ageing and how to prevent dementia. In addition, digital devices supporting health protection, patient care and follow-up were also introduced to the public.

Further information on these events are available in Hungarian language on our webpage:

+45 29 641 618
Lars Alroe Olesen
1 Margaréta str., Kecskemét, H-6000 13 Eötvös J. road, Újfehértó, H-4244

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